by Ron Coleman | Sep 16, 2014
Ronny J. Coleman, Chief Deputy Director of the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection, offers a unique, “must-have” resource to help you stand out among the thousands of individuals who hope to achieve the fire chief’s badge. Focusing first on the candidate, then on the administration of a fire department. “Going for the Gold” will help you understand how to prepare for the job, how to make the transition, and what makes for a successful track record as a fire chief.
Emphasizing the competition and the challenge that a fire chief faces on a day-to-day basis, this book covers the specifics of how a person actually applies leadership and decision-making concepts for the job. “Going for the Gold” provides a realistic appraisal of what it takes to aspire for, achieve, and succeed as a fire chief.
Ronny J. Coleman, Going for the Gold: Pursuing and Assuming the Job of Fire Chief, 1999, Delmar Publishers, ISBN: 0-7668-0868-8
by Ron Coleman | Sep 16, 2014
This study was concerned with the evolution of the California fire service education and training system. Using the documentary research method, the study was based on an analysis of information obtained from official records; minutes of meetings; newspapers, newsletters, and official publications; correspondence; and eyewitness accounts.
The concept of an American fire-training program began in the early 1920′s as an effort of Chief Engineer Ralph Scott of the Los Angeles City Fire Department. His work was based on training programs from American metropolitan and suburban departments, which were in turn influenced to some degree by the European fire services.
Today, the California fire service education and training system is a complicated array of various delivery components that continue to evolve along both academic and vocational lines. This evolution into various components has created a difficult and often confused career development pathway for fire service personnel.
Ronny J. Coleman, The Evolution of California Fire Service Training and Education, (May 1994), A Thesis presented to the Department of Occupational Studies, California State University, Long Beach
by Ron Coleman | Sep 16, 2014
A definitive collection of Chief Ronny J. Coleman’s writings.
A beloved, well-respected figure in the fire community, Chief Coleman has spent the last 20 years imparting his wisdom in the pages of Fire Chief magazine. Chief’s Clipboard collects 100 of the most influential columns from Chief Coleman’s writings. These columns address a broad range of issues – from leadership, to health and safety, to succession planning – tat all fire chiefs face in the course of their daily work. Many of the columns reflect actual events and critical turning pints in the careers of firefighters moving up through the ranks.
Chief’s Clipboard offers sound advice on how fire chiefs should develop their leadership, engage their staff, survive political situations within their organizations and communities, take care of themselves, and bring honor to the profession. Chief Coleman’s real-world approach and his ability to summon the future of the fire service and place it in a context that all can understand make this an invaluable addition to any fire chief’s reading list.
Ronny J. Coleman, Chief’s Clipboard – 20 Years of Ronny J. Coleman, (2006), Jones and Bartlett Publishers, ISBN: 13:978-0-7637-3616-3
by Ron Coleman | Sep 16, 2014
Every young man has a period in life when he wants to be a firefighter. Normally, it strikes his fancy in the early years when is is greatly impressed with the clamor and excitement associated with a fire apparatus clanging and the banging its way down the street. Sometimes it strikes in his early teens when his budding knowledge of mechanical things makes fire apparatus a marvelous wonder to behold. The chrome and steel and the power of fire equipment is intoxicating and exciting. Some of us just never get too old to enjoy fire trucks.
Ronny J. Coleman and Raymond M. Russell, Fire Truck Toys for Men and Boys, (1979), Phenix Technology, Inc. Also known as Catalogue of Toy Fire Apparatus
by Ron Coleman | Sep 16, 2014
Someone once said that every story has three main elements – the beginning, the middle and the end. In preparing to write this book about the history of the residential – sprinkler concept, teh title was selected because it reflects the beginning and the current state of the art: The Omega sprinkler head. The end is far from being written.
Ronny J. Coleman, Alpha to Omega, The Evolution in Residential Fire Protection, (1985), Phenix Publications, ISBN: 0-910-10502-2